The Stage 32 Videos: Science Ficiton

Trailer for the film "Collab"

A rapper named Signal enters The Lair for the millionth time in order to showcase his new verse to his rap partner Slim. They have a goal and a deadline, but this short stint of lyrical show and tell ends in failure. Slim knows better than Signal how dire the situation is: the placement of their song has the power to change a horrible future.

ANNIHILATION TALK... (funny but insightful)

Passion X Ambition = Quality (stop dwelling on budget. The overall potential of the work will equate to that - and solidify what it would need to be... to first and foremost... make the STORY work! X meet the director's vision! #Writers/#Creators/#Sci-fi/&#HorrorFans - I suggest read the screenplay for Annihilation too. Very good, as is the novel - which is actually a trilogy - only Garland wanted to make a standalone film. Also, for anyone who hasn't seen, I can't recommend enough both Ex Machina (2014) & Annihilation (2018) Garland's first two films in the director's chair - goes to show what you can do on a modest budget - with extreme talent, vision, cooperation, and a collective of equal passion...
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